AIS is required to execute a Contract with every student prior to being enrolled in the school. As most of our students are under 18 years of age, a parent or legal guardian is required to execute the Contract on behalf of the student.
The AIS-Student Contract is an important legal agreement between AIS and you, the parent or guardian. Your child cannot start at AIS until you return a duly executed Contract and Advisory Note (Form 12) to the school.
You should sign this Contract only if you fully understand and are satisfied with all of its terms and conditions. If you have any doubts about the contents of the Contract, you should seek advice and clarification before signing. Detailed sections within the Student Contract include course information and fees, refund policy, fee protection scheme, medical insurance scheme and additional information relating to the governing law and dispute resolution.
If you require any additional information, do not hesitate to contact the AIS Compliance team by email at
Please find:
AIS Sample Contract here.
AIS Terms and Conditions here.
For additional information on modules/subjects of SSG registered courses click here.