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International schools in Singapore – The gateway to global university education

Have you been thinking about your child’s educational future and how you can give him or her a head start towards a brighter future?

While there are many options when it comes to schools in Singapore, it is always important to take the time to understand what each offers, especially if your child has plans to pursue his or her university education abroad.

If you aren’t sure where to begin when doing your research, fret not – today we take a closer look at one of the more direct pathways to global university education: attending an international school.

Read on to discover the reasons why attending an international school will help set your child up for success in university and beyond.


5 Advantages an international school provides for a global university education 


1. IB & HSC qualification that grants global university recognition

Upon graduating from an international school, your child would be able to take the next step towards pursuing a high-quality university education. This is because international school qualifications such as the International Baccalaureate (IB) or Higher School Certificate (HSC) are globally recognised.

As these qualifications are largely accepted, your child would have options for higher education – be it locally or overseas, should they choose to pursue their degree in another country.

In addition, the IB can even help you earn college credits in certain US universities. You’ll be accelerating your studies tomorrow, today!


2. Experience diverse cultural exposure

Being in an international school will enable your child to thrive and grow in a multicultural environment where they study, play and interact alongside children from all over the world.

On top of building confidence and social skills, this dynamic cultural mix would enable your child to understand and appreciate various traditions, customs as well as ways of thinking through exposure to diverse points of view.

Beyond the time in school, this culturally diverse environment would equip your child with the soft skills to succeed and navigate an international work environment later in life.



3. Start pursuing multiple languages

In our increasingly globalised world, it can be advantageous to be fluent in more than one language. After all, you never know when it might come in handy to speak to an important client or impress a potential employer with fluency in a second (or even third) language!

Studying in an international school offers the opportunity for students to not only be fluent in English but also pick up a second language – be it Chinese, French, Spanish or German, among others.

Hence, your child would be bilingual or trilingual after studying more than one language and this would set him or her up for success after graduation.


4. Learn from an international curriculum

International schools have curricula that strongly focus on catering to the specific needs and skill sets of students as well as offering greater diversity.

Besides that, your child would be exposed to co-curricular activities beyond the classroom, where he or she would get to pursue interests while nurturing creativity and learning to collaborate and work with others in a team.

At AIS, we strive to mould well-rounded individuals by equipping students with the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed not just academically, but in life as well.

In 2023, our students had an impressive average IB score of 33.1 out of 45, surpassing the global average of 29.06. Besides that, 8.5% of our students achieved 40+ IB points and 22 were awarded a prestigious Bilingual Diploma.


5. Global networking opportunities

During your child’s study duration in school, he or she will get the chance to build a solid network of international contacts due to the interaction he or she has with peers and professionals from around the world.

As these schools usually have global alumni networks, students can leverage these networks for mentorship and career opportunities.



Take the next step towards a bright future with AIS

From the opportunity to pick up multiple languages to qualifications that can secure your child a spot in local and international universities, there’s no doubt that enrolling your child in an international school is a great step towards a bright future.

At AIS, we are committed to providing your child with the best possible international school curriculum for university entry, be it in Singapore or overseas.

Get started by booking your tour today!