Our Unique Inquiry-Based Curriculum set in a
culture of love, care, and respect

Young children possess boundless learning potential and infectious energy. At the Australian International School Singapore, the Early Years program establishes a strong foundation, offering limitless opportunities for learning, inspiration, growth, and development. With over 30+ years of experience in early childhood education, we know that children thrive when engaged in play, feel comfortable asking questions, and are encouraged to take calculated risks in a supportive environment.

Creating the right learning environment is a cornerstone of our approach. We have meticulously designed a bespoke space for our youngest students, blending innovation and creativity with a warm, nurturing atmosphere. This purpose-built environment is a testament to our commitment to educating bright, inquisitive minds from 2 months to 6 years.

Our unique curriculum is a harmonious blend of the globally recognised Reggio Emilia philosophy, the Australian Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF), and the IB Primary Years Programme (IB PYP).  This integration ensures that children not only meet key milestones but also take an active role in their learning journey, all within a supportive international community that values love, care, and respect.

Curriculum 3 - 6 year olds

Our Early Years promotes pedagogical excellence through the use of the Australian Early Years Learning Framework ( EYLF) which is mapped and aligned within the Primary Years Programme (PYP). The inquiry-based curriculum encourages children to explore concepts rather than themes, weaving in skills and knowledge from many disciplines, including early numeracy and literacy skills, science, technology, engineering, or art. We believe that young children learn most effectively when involved in engaging, relevant, challenging and significant learning experiences which take individuality and uniqueness of each learner into account.

Early Childhood is an important time when children lay the foundations for their view of themselves as learners and their ability to decide the course to take within learning groups. They develop their sense of autonomy and identity and their ability to make informed decisions within environments that offer opportunities for them to actively interact and reflect. Because play offers these opportunities, it is essential in the lives of young children for cognitive, social, emotional, physical and brain development. Through play, children become increasingly skilled at being group members, initiating and working through projects, asking questions and exploring possible worlds through imagination. Over time, children define, construct and negotiate meaning and identity, situating themselves as members of a learning community.

The inquiry-based approach of the IB Primary Years Programme is introduced from 3 years old, igniting curiosity and providing the foundation for success in the Elementary School. We aim to help shape global citizens who are internationally-minded, responsible and engaged lifelong learners. We build children’s awareness of global issues such as equity or sustainability through units of inquiry and school-wide projects.

Curriculum 18 months - 3 year olds

Our youngest learners benefit from opportunities to explore and learn in developmentally-appropriate ways through the use of the emergent curriculum. The curriculum originates from sensitive observations of children at play and in interactions with the environment or each other. Teachers design curricular extensions and further invitations to explore and discover with the EYLF framework (Early Years Learning Framework) in mind. The collaboration between home and school environments assures continuity of learning and the joy of participation in your child’s learning.


Our unique curriculum draws on the principles of Reggio Emilia philosophy which places the child at the center of the learning experience. Children’s agency is respected as they are empowered to take an active role in co-designing the curriculum.

Our unique philosophy of love care and respect permeates everything that we do with and for the children as well as families. We aim for each child to feel secure, appreciated, and feel that “somebody is deeply, truly interested in me”. By the way we just look, the way we just listen, we can positively influence a child’s whole personality. In all we do, we ask ourselves, Is this loving? Is this caring? Is this respectful?

At the Early Learning Village, children’s authentic lives and experiences are treated as part of the lived curriculum. We believe that the family-style dining, daily routines and rituals, the simple caregiving moments are equal opportunities for learning about self and others.

Language and Literacy

Children’s language and literacy development begins at birth and continues through the early years. At AIS we acknowledge the many rich opportunities we have to support children’s communication, language and literacy skills beginning in Infant Care and carrying through to Elementary School.

A personalized approach:

Each child’s language development and learning is individual, and happens at different rates. Your child’s educators are sensitive observers who understand what each child needs in order to be a successful learner. In the Early Years we intentionally look for opportunities to support your child’s communication skills. Teachers provide daily speaking and listening activities that are well matched to children’s developing abilities and interests, drawing upon observations and assessments to plan for progression.


PreLit is a skills-based early literacy preparation program for preschool children. In our four-year old classes, we have implemented this program to teach pre-literacy skills and concepts, whilst also complimenting our play-based environment. The program provides a framework and sequence for children to progress at their own pace and developmental level and lays the foundation on which later reading instruction builds. Research identifies that the most important prerequisite skills for learning to read are phonological awareness and developing oral language skills. A focus on these two skill sets ensures that the basic building blocks of literacy are in place for all children when they begin formal schooling. PreLit also aligns with the literacy instruction that takes place in the Elementary School so we can ensure that our children receive a consistent approach to teaching in this area.

Specialist classes

The Early Years program at AIS includes weekly: Mandarin, Music, Literacy, SmartSteps, Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics


Our highly qualified and trained Early Years teachers provide an optimal musical experience for every child through our twice weekly specialist music sessions and daily music class-based explorations. As our students sing, move and dance they are learning in so many ways but always learning with joy, through play.

The Kodály approach explores the concepts of music through singing, playing, listening, moving, performing and creating in a supportive, play-based environment. The songs, rhymes and games we use promote language development and expose children to a broad vocabulary. These are carefully selected for young voices which match the children’s ages and stages of development.

Physical Development

“Early movement plays a vital role in early brain development of children. These early physical experiences and play activities help to lay down the cognitive wiring that will eventually help the child learn to read, hold a pencil, solve math problems etc. For the Nursery and Pre-nursery classes we implement the developmentally-appropriate Smart Steps program, while preschool children (age 3 years old and above) enjoy the more challenging PE curriculum focusing on Fundamental movement skills and team games. AIS is one of only two schools in Singapore that offer its young learners weekly structured physical education through the SMART Steps program.

Swimming is part of the curriculum at the Early Learning Village. Learning to swim is a rite of passage for all children. At AIS, we offer a comprehensive learn-to-swim program that grows into a competitive program as your child’s skill level develops. Taught by highly qualified aquatic staff, the program has 11 levels and caters for all. The program currently begins from 4 years of age. Lessons take place in our purpose-built facilities which include built-in teaching ledges and depths of 0.75m & 1.1m. The 29.5 degree water is sheltered by our 85% UV Protected roof. All our instructors hold either AustSwim or Swim Australia accreditation ad full-time staff are RLSA / ILSF Lifeguards.”


Mandarin sessions are relevant to the young learners’ lives, helping them explore own self and the world around them. Mandarin specialists use a range of activities such as songs, rhymes, stories, and music and movement to make meaningful repetition to enhance the learners’ listening and comprehension skills. For ages 3 years plus, the Mandarin curriculum is aligned with the PYP Units of Inquiry creating an integrated curriculum which children get to experience in both languages. Through different media such as songs, stories and role play, teachers aim to build a strong foundation of vocabulary and short phrases for the learners.


Once a week children visit the library to borrow a book of their choice. At this age we encourage children to make their own choices when it comes to selecting a book. This simple but very enjoyable weekly activity helps build foundations for literacy and encourages family time with a book!

*** documenting, reporting assessing – IB learner book p. ?

Swimming is part of the curriculum, specialists, Kodaly program, Mandarin

Flexible learning spaces – intermingle, 4 classrooms as 1 pod, support the voice, choice and ownership of children

Our learning spaces guide each child’s exploration of the world around them, celebrating each child’s ideas, whether that be in mathematics and literacy, music and movement or learning a new language… and our highly-experienced teachers work with our young students to uncover and develop their innate wonder and develop their love of learning.

***internationally-minded people, IB PYP, emergent curriculum, Reggio, EYLF

Developmentally Appropriate Assessment and Reporting

Early Years parents receive:

  • 1 Weekly Newsletter
  • 5 Individual Learning Stories Every Term
  • 4 Parent Teacher Conferences


We recognize that assessment, when done right, is developmentally-appropriate and provides evidence for further teaching and learning. We continually evaluate the progress and ask ourselves where the learning can take us next. To check the progress of learning against personalized goals for each child, we use elaborate planners and observation notes which serve as inspiration for more amazing inquiries! We document all this inspiring learning through colorful and engaging displays in the classrooms and through our Storypark platform, children’s digital portfolios. The learning captured in the classroom is measured in dialogue with the children. Reflective educators listen closely to gauge children’s understanding of the concepts, their wonderings and feedback. Finally, the learning is shared with the parents through children’s digital portfolios and in parent teacher conferences.

Let us show you more!

Discover a world of opportunities under one roof as this truly international education creates and offers choices of curriculum suited to your child's future path.