
At the Australian International School, our mission is to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all members of our school community. We foster a culture of care, a strong sense of connection and belonging, which empowers everyone to have a voice. We aim to create a safe environment by giving all students the knowledge and understanding of their rights and how to keep themselves safe. As a community, we will listen without judgment, act with integrity, and pride ourselves on trust and transparency. Safeguarding is the responsibility of everyone.

Our Commitment To Students And Parents

We are committed to our duty to safeguard and promote the welfare and wellbeing of children and young people in our care and those who work in the school. Through our work we aim to ensure a safe learning and working environment for students, staff, parents and visitors alike. We take our responsibilities in relation to safeguarding and child protection very seriously. It is our aim to ensure that each student feels that they have a trusted adult that they can communicate their concerns or worries to.

There are occasions that our concern about a child may mean that we need to consult other agencies. We always aim to work in partnership with parents to ensure that the appropriate support and interventions are in place to support the child. We work hard to establish positive relationships with professionals outside of the Australian International School who can offer specialist support.

Our Positive Education philosophy, STRIVE and Personal, Social and Health Education lessons support the social and emotional aspects of learning, which is fully supported by academic and support staff. Our counsellors work closely to support students with specific concerns and also with preparation for University, for our secondary learners. We operate an open door policy and encourage all students and parents to share concerns so that we can support with appropriate interventions. Parent workshops and events are offered to provide an opportunity to learn about and discuss topical issues, such as cyber safety.

We are also committed to providing an ‘inspiring world of education’. This means that we want each student to flourish, aspire, live out their dreams, and most importantly, be comfortable with who they are.

Ensuring that our students develop as well-rounded individuals takes intentional effort and does not happen by chance. For this reason, we place a high emphasis on creating the right climate within each school and proactively teaching students about wellbeing.

Our Commitment To Staff

Staff receive regular training and updates on their professional responsibilities in relation to safeguarding and child protection. All teaching and Operations staff hold a basic first aid qualification. Our school is supported by our onsite medical centres and qualified nurses. A clear reporting system for concerns is in place and understood by all.

We have an extensive after school, camps and activities program which allows our students to take their learning outside of the classroom. All activities are risk assessed, and health and safety is always our priority.

Our Commitment To Visitors

We welcome parents, families and visitors to our school. However, access to the school site is closely monitored, with a 24 hour security presence. Our signing in system and colour coded lanyard system ensure that we can easily identify adults on site. All adults who work with our students, including visiting professionals, are appropriately checked and / or supervised. This also supports our emergency evacuation processes.

Our Commitment To Recruitment

Our recruitment procedures follow ‘Safer Recruitment’ guidelines, including rigorous background screening checks. This is supported by detailed CVs, reference checks and a robust interview process. Our recruitment ensures that we have the best team of professionals working at the Australian International School.

Our Safeguarding Lead

We have a designated member of staff who takes responsibility for this area.

Garth Sadler is the Designated Safeguarding Lead:

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