What Are Your Options After O-Levels?

What Are Your Options After O-Levels?

Are you wondering what’s ahead as an O-Level graduate?

While it is a huge milestone to complete your O-Levels, it is actually only the beginning and you would have to decide your next step in your tertiary education which would shape your future.

Hence, it is important to thoroughly explore your options and then make an informed decision.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the numerous paths you can choose from, fret not! Take a moment to understand the array of options you can consider so that you can start making plans for your post-secondary education.


The 4 pathways from O Levels


1. Singapore Polytechnic

If you have an idea about the kind of career you wish to pursue or specific skills you would like to acquire, then the Polytechnic route could be a great option for you.

Spanning over three years, your course would require you to take on both individual and group projects as well as a graded internship in your final year.

With a focus on building skills related to a specific field of study – whether its Nursing, Engineering or Business – you would be equipped with the knowledge and qualifications to enter the workforce at entry level right after graduation if you wish to kickstart your career.

However, should you prefer to further your studies in university and obtain a degree, that is also an option you can consider after completing your Polytechnic studies.


2. Junior College

Another path you can consider is that of furthering your studies at a Junior College and sitting for the A-Levels.

You will be required to choose between the Science and Arts streams and undergo two years of education before sitting for the A-Levels and graduating.

If you pick the Science stream, you’ll study subjects such as Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Mathematics and Computing while the Arts stream would consist of subjects such as Art, Literature, Economics, History, Geography, Music, Theatre Studies and Drama.

Having said that, some Junior Colleges offer greater flexibility when it comes to subject combinations – as long as you fulfil the requirements of taking a mother tongue language, project work and General Paper.

Upon graduation from JC, you would then be able to pursue a field of study by furthering your studies at a local university.



3. Pursue an IB Education

Known for its high academic standards and mission to develop global citizens of the 21st century, the IB (or International Baccalaureate) has a curriculum that places great emphasis on cultivating creativity and imagination.

Although the IB route typically begins after primary school, with students completing a six-year programme, O-Level fresh graduates can also choose to pursue it – in a shorter two-year option.

With a more integrated approach, the IB curriculum is different from that of the A-Level’s and you can expect to study a broader range of subjects within a more international context.

As the IB is widely recognised around the world, you would be able to gain admission to overseas universities if you plan to study abroad. However, if you wish to further your studies locally, you can also do so at a Singapore university.


4. Vocational & Technical Education

Are you more interested in hands-on technical skills?

If so, you can pursue vocational and technical education in specialised institutions such as the Institute of Technical Education (ITE), which offers courses that last between two to three years.

These courses focus on practical skills and technical knowledge in areas such as Culinary Arts, Engineering and Information Technology, among others.

You may also get the opportunity to participate in vocational training programs that can help you gain hands-on experience and develop your practical skills. Apart from that, apprenticeships would enable you to work and learn simultaneously.

At AIS, we also offer vocational education training. Our offerings include pathways in construction and hospitality as part of the Higher School Certificate (HSC) program.



Take the next step towards a bright future with AIS

Now that you have a clearer idea about the different options you have after O Levels, it’s time to take the plunge and commit to a path for the next chapter of your study journey.

At AIS, we are committed to providing the best IB education that will help you make it to your university of choice, be it locally or internationally.

Get started by booking your tour today!