The EAL Beginner Phase is designed to provide greater support for students who have limited basic communication skills, it comprises placement in a mainstream class and withdrawal classes with a dedicated EAL teacher for targeted English lessons. Students will be grouped appropriate to their English Language Proficiency and may receive dedicated language lessons in the relevant year group. The support targets specific English language instruction through the four main subdivisions of language usage: speaking, listening, reading and writing domains. Support may also be provided within the mainstream classroom by EAL teachers and teaching assistants. Students may graduate from the EAL Beginner Phase into the EAL Transition Phase once they have demonstrated the appropriate language levels. Students have full access to all Single Subject lessons including Mandarin.
At AIS, the English Language program is delivered by specialist language teachers with specific pedagogical experience. In order to maximise the benefits and outcomes of the program and to ensure English Language acquisition is a whole school focus at AIS, all staff are exposed professionally to the theory and pedagogy of English language teaching.