Your child's online portfolio, The Early Years
relationship-building and communication tool

Storypark is a secure, private online sharing space that has replaced the paper learning journal/report of the past. It ensures that your child receives the best developmental support possible and that you are involved and up-to-date with their learning journey.

Storypark provides each student with an online community to communicate with. Parents/Guardians own this space and can control who has access to it, at no cost, for as long as you wish.

Storypark helps educators, children, and families to:

  • Improve understanding of each child’s interests and abilities so they receive even better support
  • Deepen relationships and strengthen communication
    Share videos, photos, and text capturing children’s learning and development
  • Create a portfolio of your child’s learning that travels with your child and can be accessed by you forever
  • Reinforce experiences and deepen children’s learning
  • Capture family culture and heritage
  • Involve the children in their portfolio
  • Interact quickly and effectively through iPhone, Android, and tablets
  • Create smooth transitions when your child moves from one educator/centre to another.


You can choose to add your own stories or leave comments and feedback for children and our teaching team. You can also choose to share these stories with family members if you wish. We hope that you will invite your extended family so that the children have an authentic audience who are genuinely interested in their learning.

Rest assured, we have considered the aspects of cyber-safety and made sure our teaching team have the knowledge and skills to ensure we are cyber-safe. Storypark takes security very seriously. Storypark is not publicly accessible, it is a password-protected private space for you, your child’s teachers and your family.

For more information about Storypark, please visit:

AIS STEAM Challenge

Why Storypark

1. You receive relevant up to date information about your child

Storypark is an effective tool which can be used to track your child’s learning journey and see the progress they have made throughout the school year.We believe that formal assessment and reports are not the best fit for our youngest learners. We will no longer be issuing written reports. Young children change and develop quickly and by the time you receive the traditional report, your young learner has changed and grown. With Storypark, you will receive observations and reflections about your child across all areas of development. Over time you will have a picture of the whole child, not just subject specific comments.

2. Builds Relationships between home and school

We firmly believe that it takes a village to raise a child. We welcome and need your involvement! Your posts and comments help to build strong relationships. Storypark allows you to develop an understanding of where your child is developmentally and also share in your child’s learning experiences helping them to articulate what has happened in their school day.

3. Enables us as a school to continually evaluate our program

As a teaching team, we moderate what we are doing to ensure that we are addressing all of the developmental areas, across year levels and view our curriculum vertically from our 18 month olds to our 5 year olds. Storypark helps to drive our reflective practice, allowing us to continually look for ways to enhance your child’s school experience. Teachers use Storypark as their formative assessment; they will use their ongoing observations to plan learning engagements and guide and enhance student personal inquiry.

AIS Early Years

How do parents use Storypark?

All AIS Early Years parents will need to download the Storypark app which is available for both iPhones and Android phones.

In order to invite other family members to be able to see your child’s story, you will need to logon to Storypark via a computer and follow the very easy instructions. It’s a great way to keep family members from all round the world up to date with your child’s development.

For our youngest learners, you can also access the ‘Routines’ feature which will give you updates on your child’s daily rituals and routines such as nappy changes, bottle feeds, or sleep duration.

For additional information and support please visit:

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