Welcome New Parents

Term 2 Virtual Orientation 2025

Welcome to all our new AIS families. We are incredibly excited you have chosen AIS and can’t wait for you to start your journey in Singapore with us.

Virtual Meeting: Zoom Call: Thursday 10 April 2025, 10am – 11am (Compulsory)

10.00 am Welcome by Head of School and Principal

10:15 am Break out rooms in Sub-School

  • Early Years (Infant Care-4yrs)
  • Elementary (5yr -11yrs)
  • Secondary (12yrs-18yrs)


What to expect: The objective of the virtual meeting is to explain what you can expect on your first day of school. In this virtual meeting, you will be able to ask questions about what time to report to school, what to bring and what you can expect. The Zoom link will be shared with you closer to the date, you will be able to enter the Virtual Orientation through that link on the 10 April.

Unable to attend Virtual Orientation

If for some reason, you are unable to attend Virtual Orientation, we will need to schedule an enrolment meeting for both your child and a parent or guardian to attend before the commencement of school.

To schedule this meeting, please contact your Admissions Manager at admissions@ais.com.sg


Orientation Session

All families joining AIS at the start of term (here for term dates) must attend a group orientation session with all new joiners.  Orientation takes place the week before term commencement. This event will provide detailed information for your child’s first day, what to prepare and will answer any questions you might have about school life. Your Admissions Manager will provide more details closer to the start date.

Enrolment Meeting

Elementary and Secondary students joining AIS mid-term will need to attend an enrolment meeting with a member of our faculty before their first day of school.  This meeting will provide detailed information for families regarding your child’s first day, what to prepare and answer any questions you might have about school life. Your Admissions Manager will arrange this for you after your offer is accepted.

Getting Ready for Day 1

Please see our handy Welcome Pack below which contains all the important details about preparing for school life.

Welcome Pack

First Day Of School, Monday 14 April 2025

For the First Day Of School, please ensure you drop off your child at 8 am. If you are lost, simply say to anybody ‘Excuse me, we are new to AIS’ and they will help you.

If you’re arriving by taxi, it’s important to note that taxi drivers and taxi apps offer different gates as options for drop-off.

For families with children in different sub-schools, here’s what you need to do:

  • If you have children in both Early Years and Elementary, please proceed to the Early Learning Village (ELV) and then cross over the Music Bridge to reach Elementary.
  • For families with children in Elementary and Secondary, head to Gate 1.


Here’s a breakdown of the gate assignments by year levels and buildings:

Infant Care to Prep (Infant Care to 5 years)

Early Learning

Village (ELV)

Gate 3 – by car

Gate 4 – pedestrian

Elementary (Year 1 to Year 2) Lower Elementary Gate 3
Upper Elementary (Year 3 to Year 5)  Upper Elementary  Gate 1 
Secondary (Year 6 to Year 12) Secondary Gate 1


Vaccination Requirements (For all students)

All students should have had a minimum of 4 DTaP (Diphtheria, tetanus and acellular pertussis) and 2 MMR Measles, mumps and rubella) vaccinations. Please speak to your admissions manager if you are unable to locate vaccination documentation or if your child has not been vaccinated.

Vaccinations against measles and diphtheria are compulsory for children under the Infectious Diseases Act.

Foreign-born children aged 12 and below applying for a DP, LTVP, or STP in Singapore must undergo vaccination verification with the HPB to ensure protection against preventable diseases. More details can be found here

AIS Campus map

Please find the AIS Campus map for your easy reference below:

AIS Campus Map

The AIS Parent Portal - Connect

Please don’t try to access the AIS Parent Portal – Connect until your child’s first day of school 

Connect AIS is the community portal used by Parents, Students and Staff in AIS.

It is customised for every user and allows access to essential processes, such as Online Canteen Ordering and Parent-Teacher Interview sign-ups, and important information from the school, such as Timetables and Class Communication.

To perform your first login, please do the following:

  1. Go to ais.fireflycloud.asia
  2. Click on the green button that states “Logging in for the first time? Activate your account.”
  3. Key in the email you provided to your Admissions Manager
  4. Activation instructions will be sent to your registered email address


Once you have joined Connect you can download the Class List Mobile App which allows you to connect with your child’s classmates parents.

AIS Parents’ Association (AISPA)


The primary objective of the Parents Association is to promote community spirit at AIS. Whether you are new to AIS or a long-term family, there is something for everyone in our community.

In addition to the many events held throughout the year, we are here to help you and your family settle into school and life in Singapore, providing information, resources and friendship. We know that all of our parents are busy with the demands of everyday life, but we also know that even a small contribution of your time and energy can significantly contribute to our efforts to foster a vibrant and nurturing community.

It is a wonderful opportunity to meet other parents and get involved in the life of the school. We welcome your participation and assure you that it is a worthwhile endeavour that you will find personally rewarding and fun!

Join us on the AIS Parents’ Association (AISPA) app called Classlist. Click here and you can join your class or year-level parent chat groups as well as AISPA interest groups and events.

AIS Car Decals

Please don’t try to access the AIS Parent Portal – Connect until your child’s first day of school 

Security access to the AIS Campus is very important to us. For the safety of our students, you are required to register your vehicle IU number online to allow personal vehicle access to our school.

After you have registered for the Connect Parent Portal you can apply for a car decal.

You may collect your car decals from the receptionists at Gate 1 (for Year 3 to Secondary) and Gate 3 (for Infant to Year 2) on the first day of school.

Parent Pass

The safety of your children is of utmost importance to us. As such, we seek your assistance to display your Parent Pass when you enter or are within the campus.

Please apply for a Parent Pass by submitting your photo via this form, setting the file name as your FIRST NAME_LAST NAME (e.g. John_Doe).

Once your pass(es) is ready, it will be given to your youngest child.

We will do our best to process your application as quick as possible but please take note it could take 1-2 weeks. In the meantime, if you are visiting the school you will need to register at the security gate.

Tips to remember when taking your photo:

  • Photos is taken full face, front-facing, head straight and eyes open
  • Must only display your head and shoulders
  • Cannot be resized
  • Must be well-lit and have a background
Parent Pass


Our uniform shop is now offering online ordering with a $10 delivery fee.

School Bus

If your children wish to utilise the bus service, please see details here. You will be required to complete the bus registration and health declaration form and return to your Admissions Manager.

* Do note that processing and confirmation of your child’s bus registration can take up to 2 weeks, do ensure your child’s bus form is sent to us as soon as you can.

AIS Laptop Program

All our Secondary School students are required to supply their own Apple laptop for use at school. We believe that students having their own device will foster a greater sense of responsibility and allow them to customise their learning environment to better suit their needs.

To assist parents, who need to purchase a new laptop, AIS has secured a beneficial arrangement with our designated IT Vendor, Innocom. This includes a discounted bundle that comes with AppleCare and additional gifts.  You can view and order the recommended laptop through the vendor’s website.

Once a laptop has been selected for use, students must first present the device at the IT Service Desk on Level 3, Block B, for registration and configuration to enable its use on the school network and to also activate the Self-Service App Catalogue.  This can be done at any time during school term, school holidays or for new students at Orientation or the first day of school.

Students will then be able to use the use Self-Service App Catalogue to conveniently install the necessary applications required for their curriculum. The following instructions detail how to install the required applications for your studies.


System Requirements

The following outlines the minimum technical specifications for your BYOD

  • Model – MacBook, MacBook Air, MacBook Pro
  • Operating System – Ventura (MacOS 13) and later
  • Minimum Technical Specs – M1, 8GB Ram, 128 GB HDD


Incompatible Operating Systems

    • High Sierra (MacOS 10.13)
    • Mojave (MacOS 10.14)
    • Catalina (Mac OS 10.15)
    • Big Sur (MacOS 11)
    • Monterey (MacOS 12)

Canteen Services (Sodexo)

Canteen services are a critical part of the School’s provision, not least because we are all aware that nutritionally balanced food options for children can encourage them to engage in healthy eating habits as they continue to grow. Our school canteens cater for students in Early Years, Elementary and Secondary according to their age-specific needs and preferences.

The two AIS canteens are managed for the School by Sodexo. Founded in 1966 by Pierre Bellon in Marseille, France, Sodexo is now the worldwide leader in Quality-of-Life Services. In Singapore, we have over 300 Sodexo Education staff serving more than 10,500 meals every day. They have been working with schools and colleges since 1999.

Sodexo produces their dishes fresh on site, made from principal ingredients, created and anaylsed by qualified chefs and dedicated service teams.

How to Pre-Order

  • Log in to Connect
  • Select “Canteen” from your dashboard
  • Click through the link
  • You will be prompted to log in through Campus Online
  • Select your meals and pay through the Campus Online platform

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Discover a world of opportunities under one roof as this truly international education creates and offers choices of curriculum suited to your child's future path.